Lockdown 2.0 – Day 2

When I started this blog, my plan was to make posts about the course and general elements of student life. The current situation is so bizarre though that I am currently lacking motivation to write about my studies and student life is virtually non-existent due to the current COVID-19 situation.

Here in the UK, yesterday we saw the start of the second national lockdown, which apparently will last for a month (we’ll see – the UK Government seem incapable of formulating any sort of coherent response to the pandemic and are very much on the backfoot). So, for the next month, all non-essential shops, bars, restaurants etc. will be closed and are limited to who we can meet and where. I am lucky enough to be staying with my family and we live in a fairly rural area, so I have the ‘luxury’ of being able to exercise and get fresh air in the garden, but I feel for those individual and families who are stuck in small apartments.

When I have not been studying, I (like just about everyone else in the world it seems) have been watching the US elections with interest and amazement. It is absolutely staggering to watch the so called leader of the free world and most powerful man in the world having temper tantrums and behaving like a small toddler whose mother won’t let him have another ice cream. As a future legal professional, I am keen to see how this eventually plays out through the US legal system and whether there is any substance to any of the multitude of lawsuits that the Trump campaign are issuing left, right and center, but somehow I doubt that they will have any impact on the eventual result.

As an outsider, it appears that Trump’s entire business ’empire’ is founded on dodgy dealings, bluffs, threats and vague lawsuits and he is trying to use the same tactics with the US political system (probably because they are the only ones he knows). I was amazed this morning to see that overnight (my time) nearly all of the major US broadcast networks cut short coverage of Trump’s latest “press conference” due to the multitude of lies and conspiracy theories that he was spouting from the podium. It also appears that finally the GOP are starting to see him for what he is, a lost cause, and are abandoning the sinking ship by openly rejecting his lies and distancing themselves from him. There will of course always be those sycophants like Lindsey Graham, our own failed politician Nigel (bellend) Farange and Trump’s “personal lawyer” (and star of Borat 2) Rudy Giuliani whose noses are forever affixed to Trump’s butthole. Not to mention Tweedledumb and Tweedledee and the rest of the Trump family who are clearly dreadign what happens when the security of the presidancy is removed and the expected multitude of legal investigations into their actions and business dealing begin.

I’ll finish off this post with probably the most apt description of Donald Trump that I have ever read.

That is the president of the United States. That is the most powerful person in the world. We see him like an obese turtle on his back flailing in the hot sun, realizing his time is over

Anderson Cooper CNN

The LPC journey begins

So, today saw my first one-on-one meeting with my lead tutor (virtually of course). Just a general discussion really and details of how the course will be operating in these strange times. But a chance to make sure that my set up is working. It seems strange to be studying, but doing it sitting at home alone in the study, rather than in a university setting, with all the other students, but I suppose that this is the “new normal”.

I am going to try and make a short post here at least two or three times a week with my thoughts on progress of the course and I’ll try to put together some longer posts and perhaps some videos covering specific aspects of the course for anyone who is studying with me.