The Points Based System (‘PBS’)

Migrants who wish to work and study in the UK must apply under the PBS. The main provisions of the PBS are now found is specific appendices of the IR. As the PBS is subject to frequent change, it is important when giving advice in relation to the PBS to refer to the most up to date version of the rules, and the relevant schedules, which are found at

Each type of application has different conditions, entitlements and entry requirements for migrants wishing to work in the UK.

The Tier system previously included students and workers, but is now restricted to Entrepreneurs and Investors. These are still called ‘Tier 1’ categories, though in actuality there are no longer any other meaningful Tiers.


  • Tier 2 related to skilled workers with a job offer and a sponsor. The main current provisions relating to workers are discussed below.
  • Tier 3 related to low skilled workers to fill temporary shortages in the labour market.
  • Tier 4 related to students.
  • Tier 5 related to certain types of temporary worker ‘whose entry helps to satisfy cultural, charitable, religious or international objectives’.